The Legally Jammin, "Mixed Up Little Annie"
August 2004
DE 12", Italic 042
Bleach (Illegally Club Mixed)
Bleach (Illegally Rock Mixed)
Backtrack Jack (Illegally Cramp Mixed)
Little Annie, "Diamonds Made of Glass"
August 6, 2001
US 12"/CD Streamline
Diamonds Made of Glass - [MP3]
Lullaby - [MP3]
Diamonds Made of Glass (remix by Christoph Heemann) - [MP3]
Little Annie, "In Dread with Little Annie"
November 1994
UK 12", ON-U Sound DP30
Little Annie, "Bless Those"
April 1993
UK 10", ON-U Sound DP26
Bless Those (part 1)
Bless Those (part 2)
Going for Gold (part 1)
Going for Gold (part 2)
Limited to 1000 copies: extended, remixed versions from Short & sweet.
Little Annie
"I Think of You" 12"
Annie Anxiety, "Sugar Bowl"
UK 7"/12", Atco B8967
Sugar Bowl (Oedipus Mix) [12" only]
Sugar Bowl (Bonus Beats) [12" only]
Sugar Bowl (7" Single Version) - [MP3]
Diamonds Made of Glass - [MP3]
This was meant to be a prelude to a full-length album which was never recorded.
Promotional editions surfaced in the USA but a retail version was never released.
Annie Anxiety Bandez, "As I Lie In Your Arms"
UK 12" One Little Indian TP12 006
As I Lie In Your Arms - [MP3]
Down by the Station
Rise (dub)